North Coast District

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About Us

Who We Are

KHS North Coast District (ND) stretches along the north coast from Shanzu in the south to Lamu in the north. Our three principal population centres are Kilifi, Watamu and Malindi. It is in these three urban centres that much of our membership are resident.

NCD has about 250 members per annum. We hold one meeting/event/garden visit each month for 12 months of the year. We also offer a Christmas Day social event to members, cruising on Mida Creek and including a Christmas Lunch and drinks to members and their guests.

We hold one-day Gardeners’ Courses each year for our gardener members that usually take place in October and which are delivered in Malindi, Watamu, Kilifi and Vipingo.

Our membership demographic is strongly slanted towards retired members with large coastal gardens and who employ local gardeners to work in their gardens, many of whom are also members of the Society.
We are fortunate to have a number of highly experienced and skilled professional landscape gardeners, garden designers, nursery proprietors, and gardeners amongst our membership.

Our district is governed by an elected committee chosen from our membership and whom work closely with our membership to host events etc. We run a vibrant KHS NCD Whatsapp group, and we send notices out to all members by email as well as by announcements through the Whatsapp group.

KHS NCD membership is open to all.

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