KHS 2025 Calendar Photographic Competition


The rules for this competition are below:-

P.S: Entries shall be restricted from KHS members only.

  1. We need photos for both the:
    • WALL CALENDAR – The photographs should be portrait (vertical)
    • DESK CALENDAR – The photographs should be landscape (horizontal) in format
  2. Entries should be digital photographs, high resolution submitted by email to
  3. The entry can be either one photograph or several, but should not exceed 12 per member, of which one, or more may be used.
  4. The photograph must not be marked with the name of the entrant.
  5. On receipt of the entry, the Committee will allocate an entrant number, so that the judging group are not aware of the entrant’s name.
  6. A team comprising professional photographers, horticulturists, and gardeners, will judge the entries.
  7. Entries should be sent by email with your details of photographs attached and each entry should carry the name of the tree/ shrub.
  8. The names of the winning photographers will be given credit on the printed calendar.
  9. All memory sticks will be returned to the entrant if a self addressed and stamped envelope is provided.

The closing date for entries will be 31st July 2024.

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